Fear wants you to believe that there's safety within your comfort zone–that God's strength won't fill in the gaps between yourself and what you lack to achieve your mission.
Hey, Visionary
But fearfully settling for less in life gives us a false sense of security and stalls us from progressing towards God’s vision for our lives. That’s why I created the STRONG Womanhood Growth Journal to help you get unstuck.
The coaching, journaling prompts, and exercises inside are designed to help you silence Fear and Doubt, so you can reclaim your authentic voice and establish a biz or ministry that reflects your calling and core values.
Following the pain of a devastating, defining life moment, God, by his Holy Spirit, took me on a journey of reactivating my courage to live boldly and confidently for Him. Allow me to be your mentor, as I share my story, along with my S.T.R.O.N.G. framework for igniting and fanning the flame of God’s purposes for your life.