November 20, 2019

Responding to Hurt with HOPE with Pastor Gloria Brintnall

#WorkYourPlan with Kendra Podcast, Blog

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episode 63 Gloria BrintnallMy guest for this episode is Pastor Gloria Brintnall. Gloria has served as an itinerant minister for several years, taking her passionate preaching and teaching of the Word of God throughout America. She’s assisted in the planting and establishment of four satellite churches. She is the author of 3 books. Stuff Happens, HOPE Anyway is her most recent book and the one we’ll be discussing in this interview.

I want to set the back story of why this interview was important to me. Imagine there is a couple in your church. The couple leads worship at your church. You know there kids because you serve them in the youth dept. They move away because of a call to ministry. They travel the world ministering through song. Years later, they settle into lead a church. Their kids are either young adults at this point or approaching it. They are not a constant in your life, but they are a family that you once knew. Then, one day you learn that the husband has been arrested and sentenced to prison time. This family’s world is flipped upside down. Because you are not close friends, you witness how the mom and her children move forward in their lives from a distance through Facebook. After a decade has passed the wife writes a book sharing how God kept her and her children and restored her through the storm.

Now that you have that insight, one more thing before I share the interview. I’m called to help women heal from the pain of a devastating defining moment and get on with living the good life God has planned for them. What struck me most about Pastor Gloria’s story is how her message of hope shines through in the midst of a devastating, defining moment in her life. It has not marked her with bitterness or even fear about the future. I find that remarkable and I believe you will too.


Show Notes:

Stuff Happens: HOPE Anyway

Instagram: @GloriaBrintnall

Reach out to a local Christian therapist for help with porn addiction.

Love Must Be Tough by James Dobson

Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud

Every Man’s Battle by Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker

Tasha Cobby & Jimi Cravity  “You Know My Name with lyrics”

Tauren Wells “Echo


5 Day Challenge: Join the Project

The STRONG Womanhood Growth Journal: Activate the Courage to Live Out Your Calling is a self directed guide for women who want to be active participants in their personal transformation and are looking for a process to mentor them through it. And it’s finally here!

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Amazon Book Review: “I highly recommend this journal. I discovered actionable steps to take on my next journey into becoming more consistent with reaching my goals. The messages shared by Kendra are full of wisdom and timeless. The thought provoking questions will assist you in transforming into a confident and courageous woman.”


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