
October 27, 2020

The Intersection of Faith & Politics with Sarah Anderson

#WorkYourPlan with Kendra Podcast, Blog, Calling & Purpose

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In today’s episode we’re discussing two topics we’re told never to talk about — religion & politics. We’re, specifically, talking about the intersection of faith and politics and how do we unify when the stakes feel so high in this year’s election.

Our guest for episode 80 of the podcast is Sarah Bauer Anderson. Sarah has spent her entire life learning to live in the tension both politics and religion create, striving to best navigate the complicated issues and emotional conversations around these weightier topics. Raised in a family of politicos, including a former Republican presidential candidate father (Gary Bauer), Sarah shares her story and what she’s learned in her latest book, The Space Between Us: How Jesus Teaches Us to Live Together When Politics and Religion Pull Us Apart. 

She has been involved in ministry since 2003 and uses her skills as an avid communicator, writer and author, to combine her passions in order to instill positive faith in teens, parents and ministry influencers. Sarah is the lead content creator and writer for XP3 High School curriculum from Orange, a nonprofit organization with a mission to instill positive faith and influence parents and ministries to influence the next generation.

In this episode we discuss…

  • Principles Sarah’s political and religious family have learned about navigating political discussions that might help you restore relationships with your friends and family
  • Why beliefs like ‘we have to agree with every issue a candidate stands for to publicly support them’ are driving us apart
  • How our limited view of Jesus is hindering contributes to our lack of civil discourse around religion and politics
  • The importance of posture over position
  • Why nuance gets lost in our political discussions online
  • How we honor our Christian faith in voting without standing in condemnation of others for their differing views

Before you go…

Join us the day after the election on Wed, 11/4 at 6pm MST/7pm CST for a candid conversation among a group of multi-generational, multi-ethnic women exploring how we find unity following the 2020 election season.

WATCH ‘Where Do We Go From Here?’ on Facebook at @StrongHerme or LastSupperSeriesPresents

Show Notes

Keep up with Sarah:

Dominique Hayes and the Last Supper Series


The STRONG Womanhood Growth Journal: Activate the Courage to Live Out Your Calling is a self directed guide for women who want to be active participants in their personal transformation and are looking for a process to mentor them through it. And it’s finally here!

Get it at Amazon: BUY THE BOOK

Amazon Book Review: “I highly recommend this journal. I discovered actionable steps to take on my next journey into becoming more consistent with reaching my goals. The messages shared by Kendra are full of wisdom and timeless. The thought provoking questions will assist you in transforming into a confident and courageous woman.”


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