November 21, 2018

Small Steps for Walking Through Open Doors with Krista & Alex

#WorkYourPlan with Kendra Podcast, Blog, Calling & Purpose

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This month’s theme is centered around reclaiming home.

Reclaiming home can feel like a monumental task when we approach it as an endless to-do list. Don’t underestimate the power of small things. How can we just get started, so we can start to see success in the small things?

In episode 34 of the StrongHerMe podcast, we talk with Krista Gilbert & Alex Kuykendall, who are wives, moms and published authors and speakers, share how they make time in small ways to honor their callings while reclaiming home. If you’ve ever wondered “how do I make room in my busy life for the calling that’s burning on the inside of me?”, this is the podcast episode for you!

Show Notes

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