
June 19, 2019

Books for improving your inner life

#WorkYourPlan with Kendra Podcast, Blog, Calling & Purpose, Work

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I’ve always been an avid reader. Every type of personality assessment I’ve ever taken points back to my love of learning. Books have always been my friends. I’m always looking for book suggestions, especially during the summer. To celebrate 50 episodes, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite books with you. I also created a free gift for you to go along with this episode.

Download the summer reading list mentioned in this episode: StrongHerMe Summer 2019 Reading List

Summer Reading List

As I walk you through some of my favorite authors and a list of my favorite personal growth books, I would love to hear your book recommendations. Share them with me by leaving a comment on this post or on instagram in the comments for this episode over at @Strongherme.


“Outward success is a result of multiple private victories.” -Kendra Tillman

Show Notes: CaPP Institute

Download StrongHerMe Summer of 2019 Reading List


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